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Lante Procedure Introduction

If you are uncomfortable with surgery,
choose Lante non-surgical clinic without incisions or sutures.
It provides easy and complete care from the vulva to deep inside your body.


Jill’ Sof

Resolve vaginal dryness with moisture and softness!

Jill’ Sof

It improves women’s health by injecting the affected areas of the vagina with drugs such as hyaluronic acid through a painless, thin needle and a uniform, stable procedure.

The benefits of Jill’Sof


Relieves pain by using a thin V-Needle


Stable and consistent treatment through automatic negative pressure function


Minimizes loss of drugs with an automatic drug injection device


Improves vaginal elasticity through the regenerative effect of needling


Improves vaginal dryness and sexual pain through immediate moisture supply


Improves soreness, itching, pain and burning feeling inside and outside the vagina


Short treatment time and quick return to daily activities

Lante’s customized ampoule formulation

Lange Ob & Gyn performs nitrogen therapy that considers everyone’s different physical environment and concerns.

Only authentic drugs are used, and Lante’s know-how through numerous surgical procedures is used to manufacture the most effective and optimal combination for each patient. We will help solve all of our patients’ concerns, including vaginal dryness.

The Uniqueness of Lante OBGYN Non-surgical Clinic

care system

where female gynecologists,
conduct the whole process
from consultation
to procedure.

Private 1:1
customized care

with comfortable consultation
and detailed pre-examination
under strict privacy


Safe, comfortable experience
through safe equipment,
real-time monitoring,
and careful pain care.

Total care system

communicates and resolves
psychological concerns
as well as treats
physical symptoms.

safety system

only performs necessary
treatment and uses authentic
products putting the safety
of the patients as the
first priority.